The Kiss

So this is my very first blog post and my thoughts are on kissing. Why? Well because it is International Kissing Day! Do you remember your very first kiss? Did it surprise you, ignite you? The first one I remember took place in our kindergarten classroom…In the back of the room were these panels with hooks behind them for our coats and book satchels as we called them. Chris Hays must have thought this an ideal spot to sneak a kiss. Sweet Innocence.
The last kiss. What about this one? Who will be your last kiss? My mom kissed my dad while he lay in a bed in a nursing home. I wondered at the time whether he was aware of this or if he even knew we were there at all. A different kind of kiss, selfless.
Love, hearts, adoration, joy, happiness, you must think of these words in relation to the word kiss. But what of betrayal?
Wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6
A famous kiss. Jesus Christ was kissed by Judas to single Him out from the crowd to be carried off by the soldiers. But why kiss Him? Maybe I am a coward but I see myself quietly standing on the sidelines secretly pointing and whispering: “That’s Him, there.” But no, Judas was bold and walked straight up to Him, knowing Jesus was aware of what was happening and greeted Him and kissed Him. Not so sweet or innocent.
So think about it and make certain you kiss someone today, but only out of Love.

The Kiss By Gustav Klimt *in honor of International Kissing Day* img alt=”The Kiss” src=”” /> By Gustav Klimt *min hojjnor of International Kissing Day*